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Powered by Nature's Cleaner
Oxygen Nanobubbles

What is a "nanobubble" and how does it work?

The team at Bubl has been studying oxygen nanobubbles and their applications for the better part of the last decade. Only recently did the Bubl team discover their patent pending method of how to make nanobubbles generated from oxygen stable in a solution for up to two years. From this discovery, Bubl was born and we have effectively replaced the need for chemical surfactants in household cleaners. 


Nanobubbles are nature’s cleaner. Naturally occurring in rushing rivers, crashing waves, and waterfalls, nanobubbles are invisible to the naked eye and do not fizz but possess remarkable cleaning capabilities and eliminate the need for  chemical surfactants used in other cleaning products.


Nanobubbles are smaller than a germ molecule, but possess potent dirt and grime fighting powers. â€‹

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Normal sized air bubbles rise to the surface of the liquid and burst, but nanobubbles can remain suspended in liquids for very long periods of time. â€‹

How exactly does a microscopic oxygen bubble clean as good or better than a chemical surfactant?​

The oxygen nanobubbles found in Bubl are negatively charged. The surface of many objects is either neutral or positively charged. This makes the nanobubbles drawn into the microscopic nooks and crannies on an object's surface, which allows the oxygen bubble and liquid in Bubl to lift up dirt and grime so that it can easily be wiped away.  â€‹

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