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Are your products safe to use (and store) near children and pets?


You betcha. We manufacture our products to contain nothing that could be harmful to your children or pets. 


Why is it such a big deal that Bubl is surfactant free?


  • Health and Safety: Chemical surfactants are not safe to use around children. Exposure to surfactants can cause a myriad of health problems (such as endocrine disruption, birth defects, developmental problems, etc.). Other household cleaners need to use surfactants in order for their product to lift away grease and grime. The breakthrough use of nanobubbles in Bubl makes it completely unnecessary to use dangerous chemical surfactants. 


  • Environmental Danger: Surfactants are widely recognized to be highly toxic to fish and aquatic animals, even in miniscule doses. When you use a surfactant to clean your home, the surfactant can leach into the environment from your drain or on paper towels thrown away in the garbage. These surfactants make their way to our rivers, lakes and oceans causing untold environmental damage. 


Are your products tested on animals?


Never. We love animals and will never test our products on them.


Are your products irritating?


Nope. We've formulated our products to be hypoallergenic. 


What is your stance on plastic? Are your products recyclable?


We seek to remove 2X the plastic we use or sell by 2026. Our packaging is recyclable.


Why is there no warning label on your packaging?


Our products can legally be included in infant formula. No warning label is necessary.

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